Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Things get more complicated as you get older.

Murphy is well and still living here.  It appears he lives at the University too.  I have had my credits transferred.  I will have to talk to Department chairs about accepting some of my credits.  As if I don't stick out enough, they now want me talking to chairs.  Come on!!

I have signed up for 17 credits in the fall.  I will live through all of them because I have had 4 children and lived through that chaos/joy.  I mean how much more pain can it be?  I'm sure I will get my answer in August.  But will I like it?

My husband and I will be taking Spanish together so I don't have to talk to myself.  I don't want to give people anything else to talk about.  We also want to serve a mission in South America.  So we will probably be send to a Portuguese speaking country now.  God does have a sense of humor.

Overall, this will be an exciting new beginning.  Everyone in our house will be in school.  College and last year of Elementary Then Middle School.  And, oh fun, my husband now has me getting a cell phone.  Will the pain every stop?!